About Patricia
Thank you for being here - Let me take a minute to introduce myself.
Some know me as Freechild, Good Sunshine Woman, or Starlight Unity Woman.
I was born in Canada (let's modestly say, ummm, a few years back).
When I was born I had the ability to see many things...
To put it simply, I was able to see beyond the Physical,
a born Seer, "Openly" connected to Divine SOURCE, which enables me to be a multidimensional Channel.
It is my Joy and Divine Passion to share this gift to assist others to connect and work with their Whole Being.
Life has been interesting to say the least! Over the past twenty-five years - perhaps a bit more - I have traveled this Sacred Planet - sharing Spirit by Divine Guidance.
Through these experiences and all others, I have come to KNOW -
Do NOT Limit the Creator and Self by worrying about what I think I know.
I passionately choose to walk this path and live my life by Divine Guidance.
Being OPEN to being present, while taking responsibility for following up with Divine Action, has always been part of my awareness.
I have truly been so blessed to have been invited to sit in sacred Circles of many Nations and Cultures: and LIFE has seen me sitting in many positions within Society. Following Divine Guidance with each step is my WAY!
We are ALL Connected in Oneness; through that Oneness we All are connected.
I look forward to connecting to ALL whom Spirit brings forward,
and await the Experience(s) we will share together.
Some know me as Freechild, Good Sunshine Woman, or Starlight Unity Woman.
I was born in Canada (let's modestly say, ummm, a few years back).
When I was born I had the ability to see many things...
To put it simply, I was able to see beyond the Physical,
a born Seer, "Openly" connected to Divine SOURCE, which enables me to be a multidimensional Channel.
It is my Joy and Divine Passion to share this gift to assist others to connect and work with their Whole Being.
Life has been interesting to say the least! Over the past twenty-five years - perhaps a bit more - I have traveled this Sacred Planet - sharing Spirit by Divine Guidance.
Through these experiences and all others, I have come to KNOW -
Do NOT Limit the Creator and Self by worrying about what I think I know.
I passionately choose to walk this path and live my life by Divine Guidance.
Being OPEN to being present, while taking responsibility for following up with Divine Action, has always been part of my awareness.
I have truly been so blessed to have been invited to sit in sacred Circles of many Nations and Cultures: and LIFE has seen me sitting in many positions within Society. Following Divine Guidance with each step is my WAY!
We are ALL Connected in Oneness; through that Oneness we All are connected.
I look forward to connecting to ALL whom Spirit brings forward,
and await the Experience(s) we will share together.